Key drivers for success in B2B digital commerce

12:00 - 12:30

Dit is een presentatie van 2018

A group of 25 experts, responsible for e-commerce and e-business in large B2B organisations in The Benelux bundled their brainpower to discuss challenges and successes regarding digital commerce. They shared learnings and experience to gather the knowledge for answering the question “What are the key drivers for success in B2B digital commerce?”. Topics such as | product information | KPI's | digital transformation | organisational challenges | C-level involvement | pricing and B2B Market Places were passionately discussed and are presented to you by Roelof Swiers and Herbert Pesch.

Come and take away valuable lessons that will help you exceed your customers’ expectations and drive success in the B2B arena.

This lecture is given by ShoppingTomorrow expert group B2B Digital Commerce.

The presentations of ShoppingTomorrow will be shared on this website.